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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Gay Marriage issues

It would seem that throughout todays news you cannot go without seeing someone writing about the evils of same sex marriage. I myself feel that we should be allowed the rights that our constitution grants us. Further more, people should stop trying to tell others how to live and clean up their own lives. The church rules with fear often preaching issues that are not covered in their wonderous book. Let me remind you that the Bible is not a rule book, it is merely a recounting of stories handed down orally and eventually written. I personally feel that if Marriage is designed to procreate then there are alot of heterosexual couples who should be penalized because they have no children. Love transcends all ills in life. We can achieve so much more when we learn to accept people for their differences instead of forcing our way of life on them. What I am saying is that these bible thumping right-wingers should stop and think of how they would feel if they were the targets of hate and bigotry. They just might think twice about the possibility that some people just might decide to burn a few bibles.

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